Harishchandragad- 2009 - Wideview |
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Late evening at Tolar Pass, टोलार खिंड - संधिप्रकाश
Canon EOS 350D, Canon 18-55, at 38 mm, -1 EC, f10, iso 400, 1/100 sec, Tolar pass, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Commelina, कानपेट
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro lens,iso 200, f 9, -1 EC, at 150 mm, 1/125 sec, flash off, tripod, Harishchandragad, September 2009 |
Thalictrum dalzellii, श्वेतांबरा
Canon EOS 350D, 18-55 mm lens, f 8, iso 400, 1/125 sec, -1 EC, handheld, flash off, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Unknown blue flower
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro, f 10, -1 EC, iso 400, 1/60 sec, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Utricularia Striatula, चिरेपापणी
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro, iso 200, f16, 1/15 sec, -1 EC, Harishchandragad, September 2009
mating beetles
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro, iso 400, 1/125 sec, -1 EC, f13, Harishchandragad, September 2009
night sky
Canon EOS 350D, 18-55 mm lens, iso 400, f 3.5, 10 sec, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Senecio bombayensis, सोनकी
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro, iso 400, -1 EC, F16, 1/200 sec, Harishchandragad, September 2009 |
Senecio bombayensis, सोनकी
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro,iso 400, f 10, 1/400 sec, -1 EC, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Paracaryopsis coelestina, निसुर्डी
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro,iso 400, f 8, 1/160 sec, -1 EC, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Angled Pierror Caleta Caleta,
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro,iso 200, f 8, 1/250 sec, -1 EC, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Senecio bombayensis, सोनकी
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro, iso 400, f22, 1/8 sec, -1 EC, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Senecio bombayensis, सोनकी
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro, f22, iso 400, 1/8 sec, -1 EC, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Impatiens Acaulis, पान तेरडा
Canon EOS 350D, Sigma 150 mm f 2.8 macro, iso 400, f 11, -1 EC, 1/60 sec, Harishchandragad, September 2009
Contact me at kale_v@rediffmail.com for any queries and
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